As I had mentioned in the Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garde post), it was a rainy day in Vancouver when I visited. With no traveling partner to hinder me, I tried to walk around the city as much as possible so that I can experience the city in the path of a local. I was at the Granville Market when I decided that it was a good time to go see the Museum of Anthropology. I mapped out my walking route from there to the museum and saw that it wasn't a bad trek, other than needing to use the bus for part of the leg. After reaching the museum, I realized how much of a pain it was to walk in the rain there! My legs were drenched from the rain and my hair was in disarray from the misty wind. The museum is not that convenient to the city, and so if it's raining, I would recommend taking a cab. I think if it was sunny and cool when I went, I would have enjoyed the journey a lot more. When I arrived at the Museum of Anthropology, I was a bit overwhelmed with all the artifacts and artwork that were compacted into this building. There was so much to look at! They are known to have the largest collection of Northwest Coast First Nations Art, and you can tell they do from everything that was available. It was still raining outside when I contemplated going to the outside exhibits. So I just admired them from the inside, which wasn't as appealing from that perspective, but what can you do. I got through the entire museum in fairly decent time, and it helped me understand Vancouver's history a little more because of it. So if you have the urge to see a museum while you're in Vancouver, I would recommend you checking it out.